Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Slowly but surely…

So, I'm finally starting to feel like I'm getting the hang of this whole being a mother thing.

The first few weeks were tough. I had perpetual butterflies in the pit of my stomach. Everything was so new and I just always felt like I had absolutely no idea what I was doing, but I was the mommy and I was SUPPOSED to know what I was doing, and with the post-partum hormones tears were always just barely kept at bay. I missed my husband terribly -- I am so used to seeing him all day, every day that every morning when he left, I cried a little after he was gone and I was home all alone. Plus, it didn't help that my poor sweetie had a broken collarbone, and I was scared to handle her too much so I wouldn't hurt her.

But things are getting better. Her broken collarbone has healed, and she's finally surpassed her birth weight. I know the difference between her incredibly similar "I need my diaper changed" cry and her "I'm uncomfortable" cry. I know that even though all the experts say to put her on her back to sleep, my Gracie HATES that. She won't sleep that way. No way, no how. She sleeps on her side, or she doesn't sleep at all. I have survived switching her from bottle feeding to breast feeding. I'm finding ways to be a little less lonely all day. And I have learned that sleep deprivation is something you can actually get used to.

Now, if only I could get her to nap long enough to give me time to read all the blogs I love and write something myself every day, life would be perfect!


mad muthas said...

hang in there - it gets easier. promise!

Anonymous said...

It definately gets easier. Even though it may seem like the world (and the hormones)are against both you and Gracie right now, you'll feel great in a while!

Don't worry about the insecurity of being a mother - before too long she'll think you don't know anything anyway!

I can't wait to see more pictures of her!


Redneck Mommy said...

Just think, you are almost ready to conceive baby #2. Oh wait, that was me....10 weeks later and BAM!!!

Take note my dear. Unless you want chitlens a year apart....

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are doing great! Glad to hear Grace (Gracie how would you like others to call her?) collarbone has healed.
BTW all 3 of my DD's slept on their sides and they all turned out well the "rules" with that seem to change often do what the both of you are comfortable with, you can get something to put under her so she is supported in the front and back (Wal-Mart/Toys R us).

Anonymous said...

One thing about sleeping - make sure she doesn't sleep on one side too much or she'll develop a flat spot. Alternate her sides to make sure she gets a nice round head.

I didn't know any better with DS and he ended up with a flat spot and it took me a couple weeks to get it rounded out... Looked kinda funny!

Denice said...

Don't worry - I have one of those sleep positioning things for Gracie so that she won't accidentally roll onto her face. And she will only sleep on one side for a couple hours before she wants to be put on the other side, so hopefully she won't get the flat spot!