Wednesday, April 18, 2007

All winter and no spring makes Necie a cranky girl…

It's snowing outside. I can't believe it's April 18 and it's still snowing.

Don't get me wrong. I love winter -- when I can spend my nights at the curling rink, followed by a nice cold Smirnoff Ice. But I couldn't do either of those things while preggers, and I now that Gracie is here I wake up every day hoping that today will be that bright sunshine-y day when I can take out the stroller I bought months and months and MONTHS ago and actually use it. I NEED to get some fresh air and exercise and not be stuck inside my house day after day after day.

But nooooooo. It's the middle of freaking April and still snowing.
I can't take much more of this winter crap. Global warming my ass.

1 comment:

Jacquie said...

Ugh poor you guys. It hasn't made it's way to Edmonton yet and crossing fingers it doesn't but seriously though enough is enough right? We have had snow since October. I have been getting into this walking routine but ended up having to go to WEM since it was so crappy outside.